Clachan Graveyard Mapping Project

Individual record

First name: Helen

Surname: Dawson

Maiden name:

Sloinneadh/nickname: Eilidh Dawson; Nelly Dawson

Date of death: c1795

Place of death: Applecross


Year of death: c1795

Date of burial:

Date of funeral:

Gravestone inscription:

Helen (or Nelly or Eilidh) Dawson is not marked on a grave stone.

Home address:


Originally from:

Date of birth:


This lady came to Applecross with her brother William Dawson, who was appointed gardener to the MacKenzie lairds of Applecross. William was murdered in the course of his job in 1743. His stone is pictured below.

Reference number:

Interment number:

Graveyard section: 3

Lair number:


Secondary image: