Clachan Graveyard Mapping Project

Individual record

First name: Duncan

Surname: Clark

Maiden name:


Date of death: 31/12/63

Place of death: Ardubh

Age: 78

Year of death: 1963

Date of burial:

Date of funeral: January 2, 1964

Gravestone inscription:

In memory of
Duncan Clark
beloved husband of
Katie B. MacRae
died 31st Decr 1963
also the above
Katie B. MacRae
died 9th March 1978

Home address:


Originally from:

Date of birth:


According to the Highland Council’s register of interments, he was resident in Ardubh when he died; and his wife Katie Bella (MacRae) Clark was the lair owner.

Reference number: 204

Interment number: 363

Graveyard section: 2

Lair number: 30


Secondary image: